UPDATE!!! Spring sports are in full swing! Come out and support the Panthers and Lady Panthers over spring break. 3/13/2025 Shamrock Track Meet for High School athletes only; Field events begin at 1:30 pm and running events begin at 4:00 pm or after the last field event. 3/14/2025 Lady Panther Softball vs. Gruver at 1:00 pm at Home; Panther Baseball @ Sunray @ 4:30 pm 3/15/2025 Panther Baseball @ Fritch @ 12:00 pm
2 days ago, Ashley Wilson
Spring Sports Update
The Junior Class ring ceremony will be Monday, March 31st at 10:00am in the auditorium.
6 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
Junior High Track practice for today is cancelled due to weather & high winds. Baseball and softball will still practice as long as it is safe to do so.
8 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
Attention Parents: LifeTouch has once again had to reschedule our Spring Picture Day. We will no longer have picture day on Monday March 3rd, it has been moved to Monday March 24th. We apologize for the inconvenience.
13 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
Parents: Picture Day forms are being sent home - please check in your students' bags/backpacks for info. Spring picture day is next Monday, March 3rd.
14 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
Parents/Guardians: The 1st-4th grade AR trip to Shattuck All Star's has been rescheduled from our snow day, to tomorrow February 25th. They'll be back by lunch and have a sack lunch "picnic." Reminders will be sent home with students tonight!
16 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
This Week at Follett ISD: 2/24: Benchmark Testing 3rd RLA in the morning and 5th Grade Science in the afternoon. 2/25: Benchmark Testing- 5th grade math in the morning, AR Reward Party to Shattuck All Stars Gym & Library 1st-4th 2/26: 4th Grade RLA Benchmark Testing in the morning, AR Reward Party to Shattuck All Stars GYM 5th Grade 2/27: 3rd Grade Math Benchmark Testing in the morning, JH Track at Fritch - Students will be leaving at 12:15 pm 2/28: 4th Grade Math Benchmark Testing in the morning & 7th Grade Math Testing in the Afternoon, HS Track at Fritch - Students will be leaving at 7:30AM 3/1: Robotics Competition in Liberal, Coach Wynn Hall of Fame Induction at SCCC
16 days ago, Ashley Meeks
feb 24
Here is the link for tomorrow's Boys' playoff game against Texline: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/follett-high-school-follett-tx/game299c54e19
20 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
Boys Area Playoff Information: Friday February 21st at Randall High School 6pm. Vs Texline - Follett will be the visiting team. Here is a link for tickets: https://events.ticketspicket.com/agency/86a16698-91c2-490b-897c-73ebc63ec551/events/6fdc2bde-38d7-4af4-bdfe-7850467cd927
20 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
Here is the link for tonight's game, you must have an NFHS login/account to watch. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/wheeler-high-school-wheeler-tx/gam37a9b3a9d6
22 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
This Week at Follett ISD: Tuesday 2/18: HS Boys Bi-District game vs Groom @ Wheeler 6PM Wednesday 2/19: 3rd & 4th Grade at Perryton to see WTAMU Wind Quintet - Leaving at 12:15PM and will return by 3PM Thursday 2/20: Board Workshop at 6PM and Board Meeting at 7PM Friday 2/21: No School, One Act Play Festival at Fort Elliott Sunday 2/23: Lipscomb County Art Show on Sunday at Wolf Creek Heritage Museum @ 2PM
23 days ago, Ashley Meeks
feb 17
🚨 Follett ISD Announcement 🚨 Due to recent inclement weather, Follett ISD will make up two instructional days on: 📅 Friday, March 21, 2025📅 Friday, April 4, 2025 These will be regular school days. Please mark your calendars and plan accordingly. Thank you for your understanding and support! #FollettISD
26 days ago, Megan Robertson
ONE more day left to apply to be on the 2025 Follett ISD School Board ballot. Applications are located in the front office and must be returned by tomorrow.
27 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
To purchase tickets for the boys bi-district game on Tuesday follow this link. See you all there and thank you for the continued support! https://www.ticketleap.events/tickets/wheeler-isd/follett-panthers-vs-groom-tigers-bi-distsrict-playoff-2-17
27 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
📖📚Tomorrow's 1st-4th Grade AR Field Trip has been canceled for tomorrow. It will be rescheduled at a later date.📚📖
28 days ago, Megan Robertson
Out an abundance of caution, Follett ISD will be canceling school today due to icy road conditions.
28 days ago, Megan Robertson
Follett ISD will have a 10:00 a.m. late start due to icy road conditions.
28 days ago, Megan Robertson
This Week at Follett ISD: Wednesday 2/12: Gideons’ Visit 5th Grade @ 3:15PM, Varsity Boys Basketball & Senior Night vs. Darrouzett @ 6pm, Theme: Wear pink for our last district game. Thursday 2/13: AR Reward Day @ Shattuck Gymnastics & Library, Valentine’s Parties, End of the 4th Six Weeks, SBDM Meeting @ 5:30 pm Friday 2/14: No School, VB Bball @ Randall Playoff Preview vs. New Deal @ 12:30 pm
29 days ago, Ashley Meeks
Feb 10
Boys Basketball Playoff are available now until Wednesday morning at 10am, order at this link: https://gogandy.com/follett-boys-bbpl-25
29 days ago, Kayla Caldwell
Head's up Panther fans! Tonight's Varsity Boys game against Darrouzett has been rescheduled for tomorrow night, 2/12 at 6pm at home. The boys will also play in the Randall Playoff Review at Randall High on Friday at 12:30pm. Go Panthers!
29 days ago, Kayla Caldwell