Here are the schedules for the upcoming track meets this week. Junior High will run on Thursday (Bandit Relays), and High School will run on Friday (Pirate Relays). Go Panthers!
Here are the prices for sports pictures. You may send check or cash(must be exact amount) or you may use the Picture Day ID: EVTVFHGWN to order online!
Picture Day tomorrow!!! Pre-k - 11th grade, all elementary class photos, basketball, baseball, softball, and track. Sports order forms did not come in on time so parents may send money or order online. Contact Mrs. Baker for any questions.
Follett ISD students and family members are invited to the Lipscomb County Student Art Show on Sunday, February 26. The show will take place from 2PM-4PM.
Congrats to our guys and their Bi-District championship! Our next game will be against Happy. The game will be played in White Deer this Friday, at 6:30 p.m. and tickets can be purchased at the gate. $6 adults/ $4 students. We will be the Visiting team. Go Panthers! (The last three places we have been had NFHS that did not function right, so I would not depend on it.)
🏀🐾Congratulations to our Bi-District Champs🐾🏀
Junior Class Fundraiser 🐖
Due to the inclement weather, Follett ISD will have a 10:00 a.m. late start, tomorrow, February 16th. Stay Warm ❄️
#Senior Night
💍Junior Class Ring Ceremony 💍
We wish to welcome all the parents and family members from our Junior Class for the celebratory Senior Class Ring Ceremony!
Congratulations to our Elementary and Junior High Spelling Bee Champions and Runner-Ups
Due to roads icing overnight, Follett ISD will have a late start on 1/25/2023.
Follett ISD wants to congratulate Coach Michael Michael Howard on his 100th Win of his career as varsity basketball coach!
It’s Sonic Family Night! 🍔
Week of December 12th